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The maximum file size is 192MB. Do not execute decoded files originated from untrusted sources. Decode each line separately (useful for when you have multiple entries). DECODE

Meet Base64 Decode and Encode, a simple online tool that does exactly what it says: decodes from Base64 encoding as well as encodes into it quickly and easily. Base64 encode your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format.

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Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data, especially when that data needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text. This encoding helps to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used commonly in a number of applications including email via MIME, as well as storing complex data in XML or JSON.

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All communications with our servers come through secure SSL encrypted connections (https). We delete uploaded files from our servers immediately after being processed and the resulting downloadable file is deleted right after the first download attempt or 15 minutes of inactivity (whichever is shorter). We do not keep or inspect the contents of the submitted data or uploaded files in any way. Read our privacy policy below for more details.

Base64 is a generic term for a number of similar encoding schemes that encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a base-64 representation. The Base64 term originates from a specific MIME-content transfer encoding.

The particular choice of characters to make up the 64 characters required for Base64 varies between implementations. The general rule is to choose a set of 64 characters that is both 1) part of a subset common to most encodings, and 2) also printable. This combination leaves the data unlikely to be modified in transit through systems such as email, which were traditionally not 8-bit clean. For example, MIME's Base64 implementation uses A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 for the first 62 values, as well as "+" and "/" for the last two. Other variations, usually derived from Base64, share this property but differ in the symbols chosen for the last two values; an example is the URL and filename safe "RFC 4648 / Base64URL" variant, which uses "-" and "_".

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In the above quote the encoded value of Man is TWFu. Encoded in ASCII, the letters "M", "a", and "n" are stored as the bytes 77, 97, 110, which are equivalent to "01001101", "01100001", and "01101110" in base-2. These three bytes are joined together in a 24 bit buffer producing the binary sequence "010011010110000101101110". Packs of 6 bits (6 bits have a maximum of 64 different binary values) are converted into 4 numbers (24 = 4 * 6 bits) which are then converted to their corresponding values in Base64.To use this tool, you just need to copy paste your encoded data in the field and then select the output type needed. You have the choice between text or file.

Base64 is a 64-character information encoding used in computing that was chosen because it is typically supported by most platforms. It is mostly used for the transmission of communications via the Internet and is defined as a MIME encoding.

Each group of 24 successive bits of data is encoded using a string of four characters in this encoding procedure. From start to finish, we concatenate three bytes to produce a single 24-bit chunk which means 8 bits per byte. They are then divided into 4 numbers with just 6 bits each. Finally, a character from the chosen alphabet serves as a representation for each of the four values.

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If there are fewer than 24 bits left at the end of the data sequence that needs to be coded, special processing is carried out (it does not necessarily have a size multiple of 24 bits). To get to the closest multiple of 6 bits in this situation, zeros are added to the right of the initial data. The alphabet is created from each 6-bit packet. Then, more "=" characters are added to create a total of 4 characters.

There are only three potential scenarios at the conclusion of the sequence since the input data must consist of an integer amount of bytes.

The exact last 3 bytes to be coded are then received, followed by the immediate acquisition of 4 characters. Only 2 bytes remain to be coded, so we add 2 bits to the right with zeros to create the remaining 3 alphabetic characters (3x6 = 16+2 = 18 bits), then we add the additional character "=". Only one byte remains to be encoded, therefore 4 bits with zeros are added to the right to create 2 alphabet letters, which are then followed by two more "=" characters.

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The size of the data is increased by at least one third as a result of this encoding. The size is further inflated by "whitespace" characters like spaces, tabs, and newlines.

Even understandable characters in the original data are rendered unintelligible by this encoding. It is possible to only encode the troublesome characters in an initial text if the rest of the characters are already readable.

The interest of the base64 encoding is therefore not in the representation of textual data, but especially in the representation of binary data.

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The hexadecimal transcription in ASCII of the bytes would increase the size by two when we want to represent binary data (an image, an executable) in a textual message, such as an email. The base64 encoding allows us to reduce this increase.

Furthermore, the criticism of the data's readability is invalid under these circumstances because binary data are not meant to be understood without the aid of specialized software.What is Base64 Encoding? How does Base64 encoding and decoding work?Rajeev Singh 3 mins Base64 encoding is a binary-to-text encoding/decoding scheme. The encoding process converts binary data to a printable ASCII string format. The decoding process converts the encoded string back to binary data.

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Base64 Decoding in PythonRajeev Singh 1 mins Learn how to Base64 decode an encoded string back to a normal utf-8 string. Python's base64 package contains various methods to perform Base64 decoding.

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Base64 Decoding in JavaRajeev Singh 4 mins In this article, you'll learn how to Base64 decode any Base64 encoded data back to binary data. Java 8's Base64 API provides implementations for Base64 encoding and decoding as described in RFC 4648.

Base64 Decoding in Node.jsRajeev Singh 4 mins In this article, you'll learn how to Base64 decode any Base64 encoded data back to binary data using Node.js built-in Buffer API.

Base64 Decoding in GolangRajeev Singh 1 mins Learn how to decode a Base64 encoded string in Golang. Go's "encoding/base64" package contains functionalities to perform Base64 decoding on a string.

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You can get started by typing or pasting any Base64 encoded data in the input textarea, the tool will automatically decode your input in real time.

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If the input is not a valid Base64 encoded string, then the input text area will turn red and the output textarea will be cleared.

The website also contains several tutorials and articles about how to decode any Base64 encoded data in different programming languages like Java, Go, PHP, Python, and Javascript.

Base64 Decode And Encode

Base64 encoding is an algorithm to convert binary data into ASCII character set. The encoding is required to transmit binary data safely through communication media/protocols that are designed to handle only textual data.

For example, email servers were traditionally designed to handle textual data from the ASCII character set. Therefore, if you want to send images or any other file via email, you first need to encode the image or file to Base64 encoded format and then send the encoded data to the email server.

The encoded data can be converted back to the original image or file at the receiver’s end using Base64 decoding. Base64 decoding is the inverse process of encoding. It converts the Base64 encoded data back to binary data.

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Note that, Base64 should not be confused with encryption or compression techniques. It is just an encoding algorithm. You should not use Base64 encoding as a means to hide sensitive data.

To learn more about Base64 encoding/decoding, how it works, why it is required, and how to Base64 encode/decode in different programming languages, check out the blog section.

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The conditioning artist gina pane gina pane was a french artist who was a key member of art corporel the french body art movement she helped found in the early 1970s one of her most famous works is the conditioning where she lay on a metal bed frame above lit candles for half an hour

Principais características da body art corpo humano como suporte e experimentação artística materialidade e resistência do corpo relações entre arte e a vida cotidiana arte como forma de protesto choque do espectador uso de performances videoartes e instalações temática livre de preconceito cultura do corpo sexualidade nudez etc

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Características del body art es una arte de acción arte corporal usa el cuerpo como forma expresiva es efímero que ocurre en un determinado momento solo que puede llevar un registro de la obra con fotografías o vídeo usa el espectáculo y el sensacionalismo como recurso expresivo

John francis lane thu 11 nov 2010 13 44 est the italian born film producer dino de laurentiis who has died aged 91 will perhaps go down in movie history as the last transatlantic tycoon

Body art arte do corpo é um método de performance em que utiliza se o próprio corpo nas práticas artísticas inserida no campo da arte contemporânea a body art é datada do final dos anos 1960 e sua discussão sobre o conceito de arte tem raízes no dadaísmo a arte corporal acaba com a barreira entre artista e arte

El arte corporal o en inglés body art es un estilo enmarcado en el arte conceptual de gran relevancia en los años 1970 en europa y en especial en África se trabaja con el cuerpo como material plástico se pinta pintura corporal se tatúa se añaden piercings se calca se ensucia se cubre se retuerce el cuerpo es el lienzo o el molde del trabajo artístico

Forma de arte que transformava o corpo humano em uma obra viva body art em português arte do corpo foi um estilo artístico que começou em 1960 nos estados unidos e europa e tinha o corpo como principal expressão artística ou seja a tela foi substituída por corpos humanos tornando a arte uma obra viva

Los artistas del body art usan el cuerpo como vehículo o medio de transmisión de un mensaje determinado por lo general con enorme carga social con un estilo estético que sin duda rompe con los paradigmas convencionales y pretende mostrar al público obras vivientes para promover la reflexión y la crítica

Se trata de una disciplina artística que toma al cuerpo del ser humano como soporte para la creación de obras o como vehículo de expresión por lo general el body art se desarrolla en el marco de una performance una acción artística o para registrar el resultado en videos o fotografías

El tatuaje ha sido una forma popular de decoración corporal desde la era de arte neolítico el ejemplo más antiguo conocido de piel tatuada pertenece a un hombre momificado de la cultura chinchorro chilena c 6000 a c mientras que el tatuaje europeo más antiguo está en el cuerpo de otzi

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Waterloo 1970 film waterloo 1970 film waterloo russian Ватерлоо is a 1970 epic historical war film about the battle of waterloo a co production between italy and the soviet union it is directed by sergei bondarchuk and produced by dino de laurentiis 3 4 it stars rod steiger as napoleon bonaparte and christopher plummer

Biografia aurelio de laurentiis nasce il 24 maggio 1949 a roma figlio di luigi e nipote di dino de laurentiis fratelli ed entrambi produttori cinematografici nel 1970 sposa francesca rondinella dalla quale si separa dopo solo due anni successivamente sposa la cittadina svizzera jacqueline baudit dalla quale ha tre figli luigi valentina ed edoardo è titolare della filmauro società

El body art potencializa la intervención acción con el público expectador a través de el proceso de demostración y creación artística género que reclama del artista conocimientos básicos de expresión proyección espacial música danza etc el body art es el trabajo en conjunto con los sujetos frente al individualismo del modernismo

A body art ou arte do corpo designa uma vertente da arte contemporânea que toma o corpo como meio de expressão e ou matéria para a realização dos trabalhos associando se freqüentemente a happening e performance não se trata de produzir novas representações sobre o corpo encontráveis no decorrer de toda a história da arte mas de tomar o corpo do artista como suporte para

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Body art covers a wide spectrum including tattoos body piercings scarification and body painting body art may include performance art body art is likewise utilized for investigations of the body in an assortment of different media including painting casting photography film and video 1 more extreme body art can involve mutilation or

Dino de laurentiis ˈ d i ː n o d e l a u ˈ r ɛ n t i i s 1 de son vrai nom agostino de laurentiis est un producteur de cinéma italien né le 8 août 1919 à torre annunziata et mort le 11 novembre 2010 à beverly hills 2

Dino de laurentiis agostino dino de laurentiis 8 de agosto de 1919 10 de noviembre de 2010 fue un productor de cine italiano junto con carlo ponti también productor llevó al cine italiano a la escena internacional tras la segunda guerra mundial produjo o coprodujo más de quinientas películas treinta y ocho de las cuales fueron

Sito web filmauro it modifica dati su wikidata manuale la filmauro s r l o filmauro è un 39 azienda italiana fondata da luigi de laurentiis e dal figlio aurelio nel 1975 come auro cinematografica che opera nel settore della produzione e della distribuzione cinematografica e dell 39 home video oltre ad avere il controllo delle squadre

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Body art a s tyle of art in which the body of the artist literally becomes the artist 39 s medium or subject guggenheim bilbao es guggenheim bilbao es arte del cuerpo tipo de arte en el que el cuerpo del artista literalmente se convierte en su tema o medio

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But the woman in the video isn't happy about the development, saying she'd rather it was left up so that those who make unwanted advances towards women are held accountable.

Madeline Anello-Kitzmiller, a 20-year-old from the US, had glitter art painted on her chest for New Year's Eve at Rhythm and Vines.

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A video that attracted hundred of thousands of views shows her walking through fellow revellers at the Gisborne festival, when a man runs up behind her and grabs her.

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Anello-Kitzmiller told the Herald this morning, after returning to her Auckland home last night, that despite some of the reaction, she had wanted the video to stay up to show what women had to deal with.

"There's a lot of people saying I deserved it or I was asking for it, but the fact is people should be able to dress however they want ... no matter what you wear your body is nobody else's but your own."

"We restrict the display of nudity and sexual activity because some audiences within our global community may be sensitive to this type of content - particularly because of their cultural background or age.

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"We also restrict some images of female breasts if they include the nipple, but our intent is to allow images that are shared for medical or health purposes."

"We got [abused] constantly [while] walking around, but then we got people coming up and saying 'you look amazing', or 'I wish I had the confidence to do that', or 'I'm going to do that next time'."

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"We saw that the original video had been taken down from Facebook. The girl who posted it said she wants it to stay up.

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Hatfield said plenty of other people had been stripping off, and there was a striking difference in the way men were treated versus the women.

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"There were quite a few males on the slides with their pants down just doing their own thing – I didn't see them getting harassed at all."

Hatfield said plenty of other people had been stripping off, and there was a striking difference in the way men were treated versus the women.

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"There were quite a few males on the slides with their pants down just doing their own thing – I didn't see them getting harassed at all."

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The AMD Ryzen All In One Thread /Overclocking/Memory Speeds & Timings/Tweaking/Cooling Part 2 Forthcoming GeForce RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 Boast 8GB Memory Standard Microsoft Announces the End of New Feature Updates for Windows 10 NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver 531.83 Display Driver Uninstaller Thread RTX 4070 Owner's thread AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT Launching on May 25, 2023 Nvidia shows signs ... Afterburner - OSD "skin" 48Gb 8Ghz RAM Kit Avalible

Tweet GeForce RTX 4090 founder edition review NVIDIA unveiled their much-anticipated Series 4000 graphics cards, beginning with the GeForce RTX 4090 founder edition. The new graphics card provides greater performance at all fronts, more extensive raytracing features, and DLSS 3.0 thanks to upgraded Tensor cores. Join us for a thorough examination. While we all had a reasonably dull year in terms of technology, Q3/Q4 2022 is loaded with new released. Among them is NVIDIA's first ADA GPU architecture graphics card for the consumer market. The business has unveiled its new GPU design for next-generation gaming PCs. In the short term, two or three variants of GPUs are expected in the first launch wave, each one will outperform the Ampere 3000 series somehow. NVIDIA's RTX 4000 GPUs will provide impressive performance, but next-gen graphics cards may have to contend with alternatives like AMD's rDNA3 and Intel's Arc Alchemist. The GeForce RTX 4090 is Nvidia's flagship model in the new series. With a base frequency of 2.23 GHz and a boost clock of 2.52 GHz, the card will feature 16384 Shader processor cores. These cards will be fitted with a grand 24GB GDDR6X graphics memory that communicates over a 384-bit wide memory bus. The graphics card draws somewhere in the range of 450W in power consumption. Secondly, the company will release two distinct GeForce RTX 4080 versions. GeForce RTX 4080 12GB with GDDR6X RAM and a Lovelace GPU with 7680 CUDA cores will be the "entry-level model." It has 2.31GHz clock speeds and a turbo frequency of 2.61GHz. The RTX 4080 12GB has a 192-bit memory interface and 285W maximum power use. Nvidia also announces a 16GB model of the RTX 4080. This will get more memory and a more powerful GPU with 9728 CUDA cores. This card's clock speed is 2.21 GHz, with a boost clock of 2.51 GHz. This card will also have a 256-bit memory bus and a tbp of 320W. Both RTX 4080 graphics cards will be available in November. Nvidia will release Founders Editions of the RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 16GB graphics cards. Only customized variants of board partners of the RTX 4080 12GB will be sold. In today's review, we will examine NVIDIA's reference model, the GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition. Tomorrow, the 12th of October 2022, the AIB cards will get their turn. The card appears nearly identical to the GeForce RTX 3090, but there will be notable differences, such as a different power connector and performance; oh man ... that performance. Oh did I mention already that it's big?

Our review of the GALAX GeForce RTX 4070 EX Gamer White has revealed it to be a proper choice among the RTX 4070 range. With performance that rivals the founder edition, this graphics card operates wi...

Nvidia Reiterates Dedication To Gaming On Pc, Working With Developers

We analyze the impressive Colorful RTX 4070 Vulcan OC-V, a top-notch selection among the RTX 4070 series, recognized for its remarkable capabilities. Furnished with 12 GB of graphical memory and a cut...

We evaluate the MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Gaming X TRIO, an exceptional choice within the RTX 4070 range, known for its outstanding performance. Equipped with 12 GB of graphics memory and a triple-fan cool...

Our review of the Gainward GeForce RTX 4070 Panther has revealed it to be a proper choice among the RTX 4070 range. With performance that rivals the founder edition, this graphics card operates with i...The AMD Ryzen All In One Thread /Overclocking/Memory Speeds & Timings/Tweaking/Cooling Part 2 Forthcoming GeForce RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 Boast 8GB Memory Standard Microsoft Announces the End of New Feature Updates for Windows 10 NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver 531.83 Display Driver Uninstaller Thread RTX 4070 Owner's thread AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT Launching on May 25, 2023 Nvidia shows signs ... Afterburner - OSD "skin" 48Gb 8Ghz RAM Kit Avalible

Geforce Gtx 780 Review

Tweet As always with each new product there are new technology demo's. NVIDIA has an excellent tech demo team that I was honored to meet last year. This year's feast for the eyes is called Nalu. You already briefly met her, now have a look. A small warning. You can click on the images to load up a high-res version. Some images are 1600x1200 pixels and half a meg in size ! Be sure to be on broadband connectivity when you decide to load it. Nalu [Hawaiin for wave], daughter of the deep sea, stops to admire a creature of the deep as it ascends towards the water's surface. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs render the soft shading of her long hair and the soft shadows on her skin. Key Features: 1. Dense hair is simulated in real time and lit by a technique called "deep shadows" where the topmost hairs glow brightly from exposure to the light, while the lower hairs are darker. 2. Her skin is lit by the light refracted through the water's surface, her body and hair casting soft shadows on her as she swims. 3. Soft shafts of light filter down from the surface and are blocked by her silhouette using world-class, render-to-texture capabilities. 4. Her high-resolution skin transitions into a highly detailed scale shader that features the same soft shadowing as the skin, but adds a more noticeable bumpmap, iridescence and bio-luminescence. 5. The final render pass (19 in all) provides a soft glow that allows the bright light on her hair and skin to bloom on the screen. NVIDIA Clear Sailing Technology Demo The NVIDIA's new flagship is rendereing...erhm, yes a flagship :) Lot's of vertex and fragment shaders can create effects that were not possible before. Key Features: 1. The ocean is adaptively tesselated and driven by both per-vertex waves and per-pixel waves. 2. The water surface is shaded by the environment with per-pixel Fresnel and refraction terms that include the ship itself. 3. Foam is computed dynamically in the vertex shader based on wave sharpness. 4. Splash is computed based on the physics of the boat and is driven by a particle simulation. 5. The ship is lit by the environment and shaded using colormaps, bumpmaps, real-time shadowmaps and a hemispherical occlusion term that describes its exposure to the environment. 6. Explosion, smoke and fire are present as the ship is destroyed. Timbury Technology Demo Timbury Entonin Mudgett is a scientist who never lets entomology stand in the way of a good adventure. Forever searching for new and undiscovered specimens, he traverses jungles, prairies, and caves for rare insects. Timbury stands apart in his dedication to extracting insect life from the most unusual places. In addition, his field sketches are legendary. He creates them in large numbers and the artistic license he takes in preparing them is quite singular. The vast majority of his insect drawings feature species previously unknown to science, and most are smiling so as to display their large shark-like teeth. Some of his depictions feature insects wearing shoes and clothes. Sadly, none of his actual specimens have lived up to the excitement generated by his drawings. Many of his rarest finds, unfortunately, are more properly classified as bits of leaves and twigs. It is for this reason that Timbury is more often compared to that tireless promoter of the Piltdown Man hoax, Charles Dawson, instead of the inimitable Charles Darwin. Timbury, for his part, is just happy to contribute to the world's pool of information. This odd man gives the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs an opportunity to show that they are not only vertex and pixel shading powerhouses, but that their native floating point precision allows them to handle 32-bit or 16-bit floating point data with ease. Key Features: 1. Lighting is calculated in Industrial Light and Magic's OpenEXR 16-bit floating point math, enabling a high dynamic range not available on older graphics hardware. He is lit by the environment as opposed to artificial point lights, directional lights, or spotlights. 2. The scene is rendered into 16-bit floating point render target that allows the scene to be blurred, and is used to calculate the user's pupillary response. This causes the scene to lighten and darken based on how much light is hitting the eye. A post-processing step allows the bright areas to bloom into bright spots in the final image. 3. Timbury's facial features are refracted through his thick glasses to amplify his emotions as he inspects what he believes to be a prime specimen of the icky genus. 4. Subdivision surfaces provide a dynamic level of detail for Timbury based on the viewer's position.

Our review of the GALAX GeForce RTX 4070 EX Gamer White has revealed it to be a proper choice among the

We analyze the impressive Colorful RTX 4070 Vulcan OC-V, a top-notch selection among the RTX 4070 series, recognized for its remarkable capabilities. Furnished with 12 GB of graphical memory and a cut...

We evaluate the MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Gaming X TRIO, an exceptional choice within the RTX 4070 range, known for its outstanding performance. Equipped with 12 GB of graphics memory and a triple-fan cool...

Our review of the Gainward GeForce RTX 4070 Panther has revealed it to be a proper choice among the RTX 4070 range. With performance that rivals the founder edition, this graphics card operates with i...The AMD Ryzen All In One Thread /Overclocking/Memory Speeds & Timings/Tweaking/Cooling Part 2 Forthcoming GeForce RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 Boast 8GB Memory Standard Microsoft Announces the End of New Feature Updates for Windows 10 NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver 531.83 Display Driver Uninstaller Thread RTX 4070 Owner's thread AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT Launching on May 25, 2023 Nvidia shows signs ... Afterburner - OSD "skin" 48Gb 8Ghz RAM Kit Avalible

Geforce Gtx 780 Review

Tweet As always with each new product there are new technology demo's. NVIDIA has an excellent tech demo team that I was honored to meet last year. This year's feast for the eyes is called Nalu. You already briefly met her, now have a look. A small warning. You can click on the images to load up a high-res version. Some images are 1600x1200 pixels and half a meg in size ! Be sure to be on broadband connectivity when you decide to load it. Nalu [Hawaiin for wave], daughter of the deep sea, stops to admire a creature of the deep as it ascends towards the water's surface. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs render the soft shading of her long hair and the soft shadows on her skin. Key Features: 1. Dense hair is simulated in real time and lit by a technique called "deep shadows" where the topmost hairs glow brightly from exposure to the light, while the lower hairs are darker. 2. Her skin is lit by the light refracted through the water's surface, her body and hair casting soft shadows on her as she swims. 3. Soft shafts of light filter down from the surface and are blocked by her silhouette using world-class, render-to-texture capabilities. 4. Her high-resolution skin transitions into a highly detailed scale shader that features the same soft shadowing as the skin, but adds a more noticeable bumpmap, iridescence and bio-luminescence. 5. The final render pass (19 in all) provides a soft glow that allows the bright light on her hair and skin to bloom on the screen. NVIDIA Clear Sailing Technology Demo The NVIDIA's new flagship is rendereing...erhm, yes a flagship :) Lot's of vertex and fragment shaders can create effects that were not possible before. Key Features: 1. The ocean is adaptively tesselated and driven by both per-vertex waves and per-pixel waves. 2. The water surface is shaded by the environment with per-pixel Fresnel and refraction terms that include the ship itself. 3. Foam is computed dynamically in the vertex shader based on wave sharpness. 4. Splash is computed based on the physics of the boat and is driven by a particle simulation. 5. The ship is lit by the environment and shaded using colormaps, bumpmaps, real-time shadowmaps and a hemispherical occlusion term that describes its exposure to the environment. 6. Explosion, smoke and fire are present as the ship is destroyed. Timbury Technology Demo Timbury Entonin Mudgett is a scientist who never lets entomology stand in the way of a good adventure. Forever searching for new and undiscovered specimens, he traverses jungles, prairies, and caves for rare insects. Timbury stands apart in his dedication to extracting insect life from the most unusual places. In addition, his field sketches are legendary. He creates them in large numbers and the artistic license he takes in preparing them is quite singular. The vast majority of his insect drawings feature species previously unknown to science, and most are smiling so as to display their large shark-like teeth. Some of his depictions feature insects wearing shoes and clothes. Sadly, none of his actual specimens have lived up to the excitement generated by his drawings. Many of his rarest finds, unfortunately, are more properly classified as bits of leaves and twigs. It is for this reason that Timbury is more often compared to that tireless promoter of the Piltdown Man hoax, Charles Dawson, instead of the inimitable Charles Darwin. Timbury, for his part, is just happy to contribute to the world's pool of information. This odd man gives the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs an opportunity to show that they are not only vertex and pixel shading powerhouses, but that their native floating point precision allows them to handle 32-bit or 16-bit floating point data with ease. Key Features: 1. Lighting is calculated in Industrial Light and Magic's OpenEXR 16-bit floating point math, enabling a high dynamic range not available on older graphics hardware. He is lit by the environment as opposed to artificial point lights, directional lights, or spotlights. 2. The scene is rendered into 16-bit floating point render target that allows the scene to be blurred, and is used to calculate the user's pupillary response. This causes the scene to lighten and darken based on how much light is hitting the eye. A post-processing step allows the bright areas to bloom into bright spots in the final image. 3. Timbury's facial features are refracted through his thick glasses to amplify his emotions as he inspects what he believes to be a prime specimen of the icky genus. 4. Subdivision surfaces provide a dynamic level of detail for Timbury based on the viewer's position.

Our review of the GALAX GeForce RTX 4070 EX Gamer White has revealed it to be a proper choice among the

We analyze the impressive Colorful RTX 4070 Vulcan OC-V, a top-notch selection among the RTX 4070 series, recognized for its remarkable capabilities. Furnished with 12 GB of graphical memory and a cut...

We evaluate the MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Gaming X TRIO, an exceptional choice within the RTX 4070 range, known for its outstanding performance. Equipped with 12 GB of graphics memory and a triple-fan cool...

Our review of the Gainward GeForce RTX 4070 Panther has revealed it to be a proper choice among the RTX 4070 range. With performance that rivals the founder edition, this graphics card operates with i...The AMD Ryzen All In One Thread /Overclocking/Memory Speeds & Timings/Tweaking/Cooling Part 2 Forthcoming GeForce RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060 Boast 8GB Memory Standard Microsoft Announces the End of New Feature Updates for Windows 10 NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver 531.83 Display Driver Uninstaller Thread RTX 4070 Owner's thread AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT Launching on May 25, 2023 Nvidia shows signs ... Afterburner - OSD "skin" 48Gb 8Ghz RAM Kit Avalible

Geforce Gtx 780 Review

Tweet As always with each new product there are new technology demo's. NVIDIA has an excellent tech demo team that I was honored to meet last year. This year's feast for the eyes is called Nalu. You already briefly met her, now have a look. A small warning. You can click on the images to load up a high-res version. Some images are 1600x1200 pixels and half a meg in size ! Be sure to be on broadband connectivity when you decide to load it. Nalu [Hawaiin for wave], daughter of the deep sea, stops to admire a creature of the deep as it ascends towards the water's surface. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs render the soft shading of her long hair and the soft shadows on her skin. Key Features: 1. Dense hair is simulated in real time and lit by a technique called "deep shadows" where the topmost hairs glow brightly from exposure to the light, while the lower hairs are darker. 2. Her skin is lit by the light refracted through the water's surface, her body and hair casting soft shadows on her as she swims. 3. Soft shafts of light filter down from the surface and are blocked by her silhouette using world-class, render-to-texture capabilities. 4. Her high-resolution skin transitions into a highly detailed scale shader that features the same soft shadowing as the skin, but adds a more noticeable bumpmap, iridescence and bio-luminescence. 5. The final render pass (19 in all) provides a soft glow that allows the bright light on her hair and skin to bloom on the screen. NVIDIA Clear Sailing Technology Demo The NVIDIA's new flagship is rendereing...erhm, yes a flagship :) Lot's of vertex and fragment shaders can create effects that were not possible before. Key Features: 1. The ocean is adaptively tesselated and driven by both per-vertex waves and per-pixel waves. 2. The water surface is shaded by the environment with per-pixel Fresnel and refraction terms that include the ship itself. 3. Foam is computed dynamically in the vertex shader based on wave sharpness. 4. Splash is computed based on the physics of the boat and is driven by a particle simulation. 5. The ship is lit by the environment and shaded using colormaps, bumpmaps, real-time shadowmaps and a hemispherical occlusion term that describes its exposure to the environment. 6. Explosion, smoke and fire are present as the ship is destroyed. Timbury Technology Demo Timbury Entonin Mudgett is a scientist who never lets entomology stand in the way of a good adventure. Forever searching for new and undiscovered specimens, he traverses jungles, prairies, and caves for rare insects. Timbury stands apart in his dedication to extracting insect life from the most unusual places. In addition, his field sketches are legendary. He creates them in large numbers and the artistic license he takes in preparing them is quite singular. The vast majority of his insect drawings feature species previously unknown to science, and most are smiling so as to display their large shark-like teeth. Some of his depictions feature insects wearing shoes and clothes. Sadly, none of his actual specimens have lived up to the excitement generated by his drawings. Many of his rarest finds, unfortunately, are more properly classified as bits of leaves and twigs. It is for this reason that Timbury is more often compared to that tireless promoter of the Piltdown Man hoax, Charles Dawson, instead of the inimitable Charles Darwin. Timbury, for his part, is just happy to contribute to the world's pool of information. This odd man gives the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GPUs an opportunity to show that they are not only vertex and pixel shading powerhouses, but that their native floating point precision allows them to handle 32-bit or 16-bit floating point data with ease. Key Features: 1. Lighting is calculated in Industrial Light and Magic's OpenEXR 16-bit floating point math, enabling a high dynamic range not available on older graphics hardware. He is lit by the environment as opposed to artificial point lights, directional lights, or spotlights. 2. The scene is rendered into 16-bit floating point render target that allows the scene to be blurred, and is used to calculate the user's pupillary response. This causes the scene to lighten and darken based on how much light is hitting the eye. A post-processing step allows the bright areas to bloom into bright spots in the final image. 3. Timbury's facial features are refracted through his thick glasses to amplify his emotions as he inspects what he believes to be a prime specimen of the icky genus. 4. Subdivision surfaces provide a dynamic level of detail for Timbury based on the viewer's position.

Our review of the GALAX GeForce RTX 4070 EX Gamer White has revealed it to be a proper choice among the

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