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The maximum file size is 192MB. Do not execute decoded files originated from untrusted sources. Decode each line separately (useful for when you have multiple entries). DECODE

Meet Base64 Decode and Encode, a simple online tool that does exactly what it says: decodes from Base64 encoding as well as encodes into it quickly and easily. Base64 encode your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format.

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Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data, especially when that data needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text. This encoding helps to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used commonly in a number of applications including email via MIME, as well as storing complex data in XML or JSON.

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All communications with our servers come through secure SSL encrypted connections (https). We delete uploaded files from our servers immediately after being processed and the resulting downloadable file is deleted right after the first download attempt or 15 minutes of inactivity (whichever is shorter). We do not keep or inspect the contents of the submitted data or uploaded files in any way. Read our privacy policy below for more details.

Base64 is a generic term for a number of similar encoding schemes that encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a base-64 representation. The Base64 term originates from a specific MIME-content transfer encoding.

The particular choice of characters to make up the 64 characters required for Base64 varies between implementations. The general rule is to choose a set of 64 characters that is both 1) part of a subset common to most encodings, and 2) also printable. This combination leaves the data unlikely to be modified in transit through systems such as email, which were traditionally not 8-bit clean. For example, MIME's Base64 implementation uses A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 for the first 62 values, as well as "+" and "/" for the last two. Other variations, usually derived from Base64, share this property but differ in the symbols chosen for the last two values; an example is the URL and filename safe "RFC 4648 / Base64URL" variant, which uses "-" and "_".

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In the above quote the encoded value of Man is TWFu. Encoded in ASCII, the letters "M", "a", and "n" are stored as the bytes 77, 97, 110, which are equivalent to "01001101", "01100001", and "01101110" in base-2. These three bytes are joined together in a 24 bit buffer producing the binary sequence "010011010110000101101110". Packs of 6 bits (6 bits have a maximum of 64 different binary values) are converted into 4 numbers (24 = 4 * 6 bits) which are then converted to their corresponding values in Base64.To use this tool, you just need to copy paste your encoded data in the field and then select the output type needed. You have the choice between text or file.

Base64 is a 64-character information encoding used in computing that was chosen because it is typically supported by most platforms. It is mostly used for the transmission of communications via the Internet and is defined as a MIME encoding.

Each group of 24 successive bits of data is encoded using a string of four characters in this encoding procedure. From start to finish, we concatenate three bytes to produce a single 24-bit chunk which means 8 bits per byte. They are then divided into 4 numbers with just 6 bits each. Finally, a character from the chosen alphabet serves as a representation for each of the four values.

Base64 Encoder / Decoder Online

If there are fewer than 24 bits left at the end of the data sequence that needs to be coded, special processing is carried out (it does not necessarily have a size multiple of 24 bits). To get to the closest multiple of 6 bits in this situation, zeros are added to the right of the initial data. The alphabet is created from each 6-bit packet. Then, more "=" characters are added to create a total of 4 characters.

There are only three potential scenarios at the conclusion of the sequence since the input data must consist of an integer amount of bytes.

The exact last 3 bytes to be coded are then received, followed by the immediate acquisition of 4 characters. Only 2 bytes remain to be coded, so we add 2 bits to the right with zeros to create the remaining 3 alphabetic characters (3x6 = 16+2 = 18 bits), then we add the additional character "=". Only one byte remains to be encoded, therefore 4 bits with zeros are added to the right to create 2 alphabet letters, which are then followed by two more "=" characters.

 - Body Art Unisport Base64 Decode Online Store Nyc

Base64 Decode Online

The size of the data is increased by at least one third as a result of this encoding. The size is further inflated by "whitespace" characters like spaces, tabs, and newlines.

Even understandable characters in the original data are rendered unintelligible by this encoding. It is possible to only encode the troublesome characters in an initial text if the rest of the characters are already readable.

The interest of the base64 encoding is therefore not in the representation of textual data, but especially in the representation of binary data.

Online Base64 Decode

The hexadecimal transcription in ASCII of the bytes would increase the size by two when we want to represent binary data (an image, an executable) in a textual message, such as an email. The base64 encoding allows us to reduce this increase.

Furthermore, the criticism of the data's readability is invalid under these circumstances because binary data are not meant to be understood without the aid of specialized software.What is Base64 Encoding? How does Base64 encoding and decoding work?Rajeev Singh 3 mins Base64 encoding is a binary-to-text encoding/decoding scheme. The encoding process converts binary data to a printable ASCII string format. The decoding process converts the encoded string back to binary data.

 - Body Art Unisport Base64 Decode Online Store Nyc

Base64 Decoding in PythonRajeev Singh 1 mins Learn how to Base64 decode an encoded string back to a normal utf-8 string. Python's base64 package contains various methods to perform Base64 decoding.

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Base64 Decoding in JavaRajeev Singh 4 mins In this article, you'll learn how to Base64 decode any Base64 encoded data back to binary data. Java 8's Base64 API provides implementations for Base64 encoding and decoding as described in RFC 4648.

Base64 Decoding in Node.jsRajeev Singh 4 mins In this article, you'll learn how to Base64 decode any Base64 encoded data back to binary data using Node.js built-in Buffer API.

Base64 Decoding in GolangRajeev Singh 1 mins Learn how to decode a Base64 encoded string in Golang. Go's "encoding/base64" package contains functionalities to perform Base64 decoding on a string.

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You can get started by typing or pasting any Base64 encoded data in the input textarea, the tool will automatically decode your input in real time.

 - Body Art Unisport Base64 Decode Online Store Nyc

If the input is not a valid Base64 encoded string, then the input text area will turn red and the output textarea will be cleared.

The website also contains several tutorials and articles about how to decode any Base64 encoded data in different programming languages like Java, Go, PHP, Python, and Javascript.

Base64 Decode And Encode

Base64 encoding is an algorithm to convert binary data into ASCII character set. The encoding is required to transmit binary data safely through communication media/protocols that are designed to handle only textual data.

For example, email servers were traditionally designed to handle textual data from the ASCII character set. Therefore, if you want to send images or any other file via email, you first need to encode the image or file to Base64 encoded format and then send the encoded data to the email server.

The encoded data can be converted back to the original image or file at the receiver’s end using Base64 decoding. Base64 decoding is the inverse process of encoding. It converts the Base64 encoded data back to binary data.

 - Body Art Unisport Base64 Decode Online Store Nyc

Note that, Base64 should not be confused with encryption or compression techniques. It is just an encoding algorithm. You should not use Base64 encoding as a means to hide sensitive data.

To learn more about Base64 encoding/decoding, how it works, why it is required, and how to Base64 encode/decode in different programming languages, check out the blog section.


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