body art kristopher triana brownedge story

On the verge of divorce, Heather needs some excitement in her life, but she’s about to get more than she bargained for. On a date with a younger man, the two park at an abandoned warehouse for some intimate privacy, unaware of the criminals using the dilapidated building as a hideout. Max and Bastian have just pulled a big heist. Now they’re running from vengeful gangsters, dirty cops, and demented ex-cons.

When things go wrong, the criminals take Heather hostage, forcing her to drive them across state lines on a snowy night. What began as a night of fun quickly becomes a nightmare—not only for Heather, but for Max and Bastian as well. If she’s ever going to get home to her child, Heather must fight to survive, even if it means working with the men who abducted her.

Body Art By Kristopher Triana - Body Art Kristopher Triana Brownedge Story

A Fine Evening in Hell is a taut, gripping thriller from Kristopher Triana, the award-winning author of Gone to See the River Man and Shepherd of the Black Sheep. It is a novel about new starts and last chances, facing up to consequences, and the courage that comes with motherhood.

Kristopher Triana (author Of Gone To See The River Man)

When Jackie is released from prison, his boss Pino sends a limo to pick him up. Even fresh out of the joint, ruthless Jackie is ready to work, collecting money for the mob and using his special training to take care of bad accounts—permanently.

But when a drunk driver kills Pino’s young son, he gives Jackie a task that goes against every moral code. The drunk driver has a pre-teen daughter, and Pino doesn’t just want vengeance—he wants an eye for an eye.

The employees of the Freshway grocery store aren’t too happy about having to do an overnight shift, but they’re about to be even unhappier. Their rival store, Devil’s Food, is about to lay siege upon them with extreme prejudice. This is no ordinary grocery chain. Devil’s Food is run by a cult of murderous Satanists committed to killing the competition—literally. Body Art Ebook

Armed with hatchets, knives, maces and motorcycles, they enter the store and start picking off their victims in the most ghastly and depraved ways possible. The Freshway’s only chance of survival is to fight, and this leads to a bloody battle royal of crazed cashiers, knife-wielding demo ladies, brutal butchers, and teenage clerks determined to make their favorite death metal albums come true.

The Night Stockers is a gory horror comedy by Splatterpunk Award-Winning authors Kristopher Triana and Ryan Harding, the men who brought you Full Brutal and Genital Grinder. Filled with bone-crushing carnage and the heaviest metal, this one promises customer satisfaction.

Lori’s obsession is with Edmund Cox, who was convicted of butchering more than twenty women. She will do anything to get close to him, so when gives her a task, she accepts.

Book Review} They All Died Screaming: Kristopher Triana

Edmund says she must go to his cabin in the woods and retrieve a key to deliver to a mysterious figure known only as The River Man.

She brings along her sister, and the trip becomes a surreal nightmare, one that digs up Lori’s personal demons, the ones she feels bonds her to Edmund. Soon she will learn The River Man is not quite fact or folklore, and definitely not human . . . at least not anymore.

An evil has returned to the town of Hope’s Hill. When a grave robber unearths the corpse of Jasper Thurston, a piece of the body is stolen, one that will call the Koyotes from across the plains. They are a vicious company of outlaws, part madmen and part wolves. Their leader is Glenn the Dreadful, and he’s out to gather the power of the Menhir, a particle from an ancient evil. The fate of Hope’s Hill—and perhaps the world—rests in the hands of unlikely heroes. A rugged U.S. Marshall, a teenage girl out for revenge, an emancipated slave, a nun with a dark secret, and a mysterious half-breed with the number thirteen tattooed on his neck.

Body Art: Triana, Kristopher, Bound Books, Blood: 9781940250441: Books

You can’t eat or sleep. It drives you more and more insane until you can’t stand to be alive a second longer.

Can Chuck, a bitter bartender, a dockside prostitute, a conspiracy theorist, and a homeless man find a way out of the apocalypse…

 - Body Art Kristopher Triana Brownedge Story

They All Died Screaming is a plague novel by Splatterpunk Award-Winning author Kristopher Triana. It is a pitch black book about the lowly and downtrodden being the last people on earth.

Body Art: Triana, Kristopher, Blood Bound Books: 9781940250250: Books

“Kristopher Triana pens the most violent, depraved tales with the craft and care of a poet describing a sunset, only the sunset has been eviscerated, and dismembered, and it is screaming.”

“Whatever style or mode Triana is writing in, the voice matches it unfailingly… it’s a safe bet we’ll be seeing his name a lot in the years to come.”

They create us and shape us, love us and traumatize us. We cling to them by a primal instinct to survive, but our ties to them make our family more capable of destroying us than anyone else. We’re bound to them for life by our very flesh and blood.

Book Review: Body Art

Is a collection of eight short stories and two novelettes from Kristopher Triana. Every story revolves around family, be it fathers hunting their sons, murder duo siblings, parental impostors, or children facing the end of the world. Ranging from conventional to extreme horror, this collection crafts a terrifying family album for readers, one with pages smudged by bloody thumbprints.

When Joe and Danny take on the job of housesitting Snowden Manor, they fail to realize they won’t be in the house alone. Inside the walls swarms a specter made of equal parts ghost, succubus and witch, and she uses the manse as a prison for souls. Now that October’s supermoon is falling over the mountains, she is ready to rise and reclaim her flesh.

Works - Body Art Kristopher Triana Brownedge Story

Kayla has a crush on Joe, so when he asks her to come to a party at the manor she accepts his invitation. But no sooner do they get there than strange things start to unfold. People go missing, a mysterious dog appears, and then the boys begin to change . . .

Wraiths warn Kayla to save her friends before they’re devoured by the seductive witch. But she must hurry. For as Halloween approaches, the manor becomes a vessel for the black magic of the mountains, and the shadows that rule the woods return home.

His biggest problem now, besides wiping up blood, guts, and other nastiness, is his new co-worker, Sage. She’s young, beautiful, and the only other employee who doesn’t quit after a week. She may also be totally insane.

Toxic Love is a darkly comedic and erotic nightmare from the master of blood-soaked horror, Kristopher Triana. Throughout this tale of perversion, gore, and gangsters, Triana pens powerful characters who will move you just as deeply as they’ll repulse you.

Kim White is a very popular cheerleader. She’s pretty, healthy, and comes from a well-off family. She has everything a girl of sixteen is supposed to want. And she’s sick to death of it.

In search of something to pull her out of her suicidal thoughts, she begrudgingly decides to lose her virginity, having heard it’s a life-changing event. But Kim doesn’t want to do it the same way her peers do. She seduces one of her teachers, hoping to ruin his life just for the fun of it. This starts Kim on a runaway train of sadism, and she makes every effort to destroy the lives of those around her. But soon simple backstabbing is not enough to keep her excited, and she nosedives into sabotage, violence, and even murder.

Kristopher Triana - Body Art Kristopher Triana Brownedge Story

When Kim finds out she’s pregnant with her teacher’s child, a new madness overtakes her, and she realizes there’s only one thing that will satisfy her baby’s hunger…

“One part Heathers and Mean Girls, another part Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer, Kristopher Triana’s Full Brutal lives up to its title in the juiciest, goriest way imaginable. It’s a deep plunge into madness and murderous frenzy for the pure hell of it. At the same time, it is intricately clever in the way it delivers its carefully calculated doses of eye-popping brutality. Full Brutal is a damn good hardcore horror novel.”

“Cheerleader from hell Kim White makes Patrick Bateman look like a well-adjusted gentleman you’d really like to get to know. Arguably Triana’s finest and most disturbing work to date, and I’m a little terrified to see how he’s going to outdo this one in the future.”

When Phoebe McBride returns to Bonneville for her twentieth high school reunion, she tells herself it’s the best way to confront what has haunted her since her senior year. There was one boy who never lived to see graduation, and in a way she blames herself for this tragedy. Now a child psychologist, Phoebe is determined to face her demons by going back, but those demons may be fresher than she realizes. When she arrives at the school there are only three of her old classmates present–a bad boy turned writer, a fallen football hero and a popular girl whose life isn’t all she’d thought it would be.

Bonneville isn’t even set up for a


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